
08: The Black Fairy Godmother | Simone

So, lately, I’ve been really frazzled. I’ve stopped sleeping.  I stay up in the middle of the night for hours going over every fuck up and even creating things for me to be anxious about if I find myself without enough on the list.  I haven’t done this in a long time, not since we…

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07: Embracing Your Authentic Self | Gina

This is a conversation with my friend Gina.  I met Gina in college and it is so funny to hear her talk about her college experience and how much fun she had because I was thinking the whole time…wow…that sounds way different from the anxiety fest that I felt like I was having during those…

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06: Relocating to the U.S. from Senegal | Bamba

This week I’m chatting with my friend Bamba.  He moved his family to the U.S. from Senegal about 11 years ago and now lives in the northeast with his wife and three kids. It is a great story and I wanted to know all of the details, starting with growing up and living in Senegal…

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05: Moving Through 2020 As An Openly Gay Woman | Amanda

This conversation is with my friend Amanda.  I met her about four years ago right after she married her wife, Julie.  So, as long as I’ve known her, I’ve known her to be an out, proud lesbian woman who is raising her daughter, Tess, with her wife and Tess’ father Frank and his partner Michael. …

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04: Reimagining Your Future | Jared

This conversation is with Jared Nichols of The New Futurist.  First, let me dispel all of the myths I was guilty of when I first heard the name of his company. Jared is not going to predict the future.  This point will relieve some of you and disappoint others.  Also, Jared is not, himself “The…

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03: Showing Up During Grief | Marisa

Grief is incredibly isolating and lonely, yet it is one of the most universal and undeniable things we will all experience.  So, why don’t we know how to talk about it?  Why does it feel so taboo?  Why don’t we name it?  And then there’s the flip side… supporting someone who is grieving.  It’s hard,…

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02: Alcohol Addiction & Recovery | Ryan

This is a conversation with one of my most favorite people ever – my brother, Ryan Malloy.  I mention in the first episode, that at some point we are all in a recovery of sorts and Ryan and I kind of began working through our, very different but also very similar versions of recovery around…

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01: Why Dismantling Normal | Meaghan

After wading through the pain of infertility; feeling lost, broken and disconnected with myself and the world for years, I started to wonder…what if I doubled down on this bullshit and used it to become radically connected instead?  What if I stopped trying to stitch myself back together, confronted everything I was afraid of and…

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